
Masukan PlayerID

Untuk menemukan ID Pemain Anda, klik ikon Pengaturan di sudut kanan atas layar dan buka tab 'Others'.

Pilih Nominal Top Up

Call of Duty Mobile 26 CP
Rp 5.200,00
Call of Duty Mobile 53 CP
Rp 10.100,00
Call of Duty Mobile 106 CP
Rp 20.500,00
Call of Duty Mobile 264 CP
Rp 48.450,00
Call of Duty Mobile 528 CP
Rp 96.300,00
Call of Duty Mobile 1056 CP
Rp 192.155,00
Call of Duty Mobile 1584 CP
Rp 287.025,00
Call of Duty Mobile 2640 CP
Rp 477.926,00
Call of Duty Mobile 5280 CP
Rp 955.326,00
Call of Duty Mobile 10560 CP
Rp 1.900.450,00
Call of Duty Mobile 26400 CP
Rp 4.750.450,00
Call of Duty Mobile 52800 CP
Rp 9.548.855,00

Metode Pembayaran

Permata Virtual Account
CIMB Niaga Virtual Account
BNI Virtual Account
QRIS Payment

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